Sales & Marketing

Training Courses and Seminars

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Sales & Marketing Training Seminars & Courses

Drastically increment your business adequacy and altogether enhance your advertising results by going to our instructional classes and workshops. Conveyed by industry specialists, our Sales and Marketing courses fuse demonstrated accepted procedures and certifiable experience to encourage you, your group and your association exceed expectations in the present testing business condition.

Members gain the aptitudes they require to effectively advance brand mindfulness, create client dependability and lift long haul gain fullness. Our arrangement of instructional classes and courses center around vital points, for example, publicizing, advertising examination, internet based life showcasing, new business advancement, transaction abilities, high-affect correspondence, deals administration and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Enlist today to pick up a focused edge and achieve your association’s deals and advertising objectives.

Code Title Date Venue Fees
March , 2024
SM013 Strategic Marketing Planning The Road Map for Growth 31 - 4 April, 2024 Istanbul - $ 5000
April , 2024
SM010 Sales Management Motivating Sales Teams to Win 7 - 11 April, 2024 Online - $ 1500
SM007 Sales Development : The Fundamentals 14 - 18 April, 2024 Bangkok - $ 5000
SM004 Market Research Strategies 21 - 25 April, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
SM001 Counselor Sales Person 28 - 2 May, 2024 Al-Doha - $ 5000
May , 2024
SM006 Marketing Strategy Development 6 - 8 May, 2024 Online - $ 1200
SM003 Integrated Marketing Communication 19 - 23 May, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
SM012 Sales Skills Developing a Winning Strategy 19 - 21 May, 2024 KualaLumpur - $ 3000
SM009 Sales Management Building a Championship Sales Team 26 - 30 May, 2024 Lisbon - $ 5000
June , 2024
SM011 Sales Skills Overcoming Obstacles 2 - 6 June, 2024 Cairo - EGYPT - $ 4000
SM008 Sales Forecasting Techniques 9 - 13 June, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
SM005 Marketing Management Module 16 - 20 June, 2024 Online - $ 1500
SM002 Gaining Customer Commitment 23 - 27 June, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
July , 2024
SM001 Counselor Sales Person 7 - 11 July, 2024 Madrid - $ 5000
SM010 Sales Management Motivating Sales Teams to Win 8 - 10 July, 2024 Barcelona - $ 3000
SM004 Market Research Strategies 14 - 18 July, 2024 London - $ 5000
SM007 Sales Development : The Fundamentals 21 - 25 July, 2024 Berlin - $ 5000
SM013 Strategic Marketing Planning The Road Map for Growth 28 - 1 August, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
August , 2024
SM012 Sales Skills Developing a Winning Strategy 4 - 8 August, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
SM009 Sales Management Building a Championship Sales Team 11 - 15 August, 2024 Online - $ 5000
SM006 Marketing Strategy Development 18 - 22 August, 2024 Istanbul - $ 5000
SM003 Integrated Marketing Communication 25 - 29 August, 2024 Online - $ 1500
September , 2024
SM008 Sales Forecasting Techniques 1 - 3 September, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 3000
SM002 Gaining Customer Commitment 15 - 19 September, 2024 Online - $ 1500
SM005 Marketing Management Module 22 - 26 September, 2024 Cairo - EGYPT - $ 4000
SM011 Sales Skills Overcoming Obstacles 29 - 3 October, 2024 Online - $ 1500
October , 2024
SM013 Strategic Marketing Planning The Road Map for Growth 1 - 3 October, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 3000
SM010 Sales Management Motivating Sales Teams to Win 6 - 10 October, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
SM007 Sales Development : The Fundamentals 13 - 17 October, 2024 Online - $ 1500
SM004 Market Research Strategies 20 - 24 October, 2024 Istanbul - $ 5000
SM001 Counselor Sales Person 27 - 31 October, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
November , 2024
SM009 Sales Management Building a Championship Sales Team 3 - 14 November, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 9000
SM012 Sales Skills Developing a Winning Strategy 10 - 12 November, 2024 London - $ 3000
SM003 Integrated Marketing Communication 17 - 21 November, 2024 Lisbon - $ 5000
SM006 Marketing Strategy Development 24 - 28 November, 2024 Barcelona - $ 5000
December , 2024
SM011 Sales Skills Overcoming Obstacles 1 - 5 December, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
SM008 Sales Forecasting Techniques 8 - 8 December, 2024 Online - $ 1500
SM005 Marketing Management Module 15 - 19 December, 2024 Madrid - $ 5000
SM002 Gaining Customer Commitment 22 - 26 December, 2024 Barcelona - $ 5000
January , 2025
SM001 Counselor Sales Person 5 - 9 January, 2025 Online - $ 1500
SM004 Market Research Strategies 12 - 16 January, 2025 Online - $ 1500
SM013 Strategic Marketing Planning The Road Map for Growth 12 - 23 January, 2025 Online - $ 3000
SM007 Sales Development : The Fundamentals 19 - 23 January, 2025 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
SM010 Sales Management Motivating Sales Teams to Win 26 - 30 January, 2025 Roma - $ 5000
February , 2025
SM006 Marketing Strategy Development 2 - 13 February, 2025 Dubai – UAE - $ 9000
SM012 Sales Skills Developing a Winning Strategy 2 - 6 February, 2025 Online - $ 1500
SM009 Sales Management Building a Championship Sales Team 9 - 13 February, 2025 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
SM003 Integrated Marketing Communication 16 - 20 February, 2025 Cairo - EGYPT - $ 4000
March , 2025
SM002 Gaining Customer Commitment 2 - 13 March, 2025 Dubai – UAE - $ 9000
SM005 Marketing Management Module 16 - 20 March, 2025 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
SM008 Sales Forecasting Techniques 23 - 27 March, 2025 Vienna - $ 5000
SM011 Sales Skills Overcoming Obstacles 24 - 26 March, 2025 Basel - $ 3000