Purchasing, Logistics & Supply Chain Management

Training Courses and Seminars

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Purchasing Logistics & Supply Chain Management 2018-11-24T10:03:03+00:00

Purchasing, Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Training Seminars & Courses


Most organizations compete on the basis of quality and customer satisfaction, therefore they need to be much more strategic when it comes to Purchasing, Logistics and Supply Chain Management. They need personnel who have a deep understanding of delivering real and tangible value throughout the supply chain. Far too much money is being wasted by inefficient systems and processes; resulting in lost opportunities. As a result CEO’s of leading companies now understand the importance and relevance of the contribution that professionals working in purchasing and materials management apply to their chosen profession.

The range of courses, seminars & workshops in Purchasing, Inventory Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management have been designed by world class subject matter experts who understand the real requirements of what is needed in an organization to add value and drive out hidden costs through efficiency. Delegates who attend these courses are trained in the art of making sure that their professional contribution is recognized as best in class and always deliver right first time.

Code Title Date Venue Fees
March , 2024
P013 Project Management: Budgeting , Contracting and Tendering 16 - 20 March, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
P003 Bid & Tendering Management Leading to Contract 31 - 4 April, 2024 Istanbul - $ 5000
P022 Managing Materials , Purchasing and Warehouse Activities 31 - 4 April, 2024 Istanbul - $ 5000
April , 2024
P018 Warehouse Operations and Management 7 - 11 April, 2024 Online - $ 1500
P006 Effective Supply Chain Management 14 - 16 April, 2024 Online - $ 1200
P015 Purchasing and Contracting Management 14 - 18 April, 2024 Bangkok - $ 5000
P012 Procurement Planning and Bid Management 21 - 25 April, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
P009 Inventory Planning and Control 28 - 2 May, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
May , 2024
P005 Developing Skills Of Works in Area of Procurement 5 - 5 May, 2024 Istanbul - $ 5000
P014 Project Procurement Management 6 - 8 May, 2024 Online - $ 1200
P008 Inventory Auditing Planning and Management 12 - 16 May, 2024 Berlin - $ 5000
P021 Managing Suppliers and Contractors 19 - 21 January, 2024 KualaLumpur - $ 3000
P011 Modern Logistics Supply& Warehouse Management 19 - 23 May, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
P017 Tendering Procedures and Bid Evaluation 26 - 30 May, 2024 Lisbon - $ 5000
June , 2024
P001 Advanced Inventory Planning and Control 2 - 6 June, 2024 Cairo - EGYPT - $ 4000
P019 إدارة أنشطة المواد و المشتريات والمخازن بإستخدام الأساليب الحديثة 2 - 6 June, 2024 Cairo - EGYPT - $ 4000
P016 Purchasing Techniques, Negotiating & Cost Reduction 9 - 13 June, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
P004 Contract Management & Tendering Activities 16 - 27 June, 2024 Bangkok - $ 9000
P013 Project Management: Budgeting , Contracting and Tendering 16 - 20 June, 2024 Online - $ 1500
P007 Fundamentals Of Purchasing(Techniques, Negotiating & Cost Reduction) 23 - 25 June, 2024 Online - $ 1200
P010 Inventory Planning and Stock Control 23 - 27 June, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
July , 2024
P006 Effective Supply Chain Management 1 - 5 July, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
P009 Inventory Planning and Control 7 - 11 July, 2024 Madrid - $ 5000
P018 Warehouse Operations and Management 8 - 10 July, 2024 Barcelona - $ 3000
P012 Procurement Planning and Bid Management 14 - 18 July, 2024 London - $ 5000
P015 Purchasing and Contracting Management 21 - 25 July, 2024 Berlin - $ 5000
P002 Basic Warehouse Management 28 - 1 August, 2024 KualaLumpur - $ 5000
P003 Bid & Tendering Management Leading to Contract 28 - 1 August, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
P022 Managing Materials , Purchasing and Warehouse Activities 28 - 1 August, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
P021 Managing Suppliers and Contractors 29 - 2 August, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
August , 2024
P002 Basic Warehouse Management 4 - 8 August, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
P008 Inventory Auditing Planning and Management 11 - 22 August, 2024 Online - $ 3000
P017 Tendering Procedures and Bid Evaluation 11 - 15 August, 2024 Online - $ 1500
P014 Project Procurement Management 18 - 22 August, 2024 Istanbul - $ 5000
P005 Developing Skills Of Works in Area of Procurement 19 - 21 August, 2024 Online - $ 1200
P011 Modern Logistics Supply& Warehouse Management 25 - 29 August, 2024 Online - $ 1500
September , 2024
P004 Contract Management & Tendering Activities 1 - 5 September, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
P016 Purchasing Techniques, Negotiating & Cost Reduction 1 - 3 September, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 3000
P007 Fundamentals Of Purchasing(Techniques, Negotiating & Cost Reduction) 8 - 12 September, 2024 Sharm El-Sheikh - $ 5000
P010 Inventory Planning and Stock Control 15 - 19 September, 2024 Online - $ 1500
P013 Project Management: Budgeting , Contracting and Tendering 22 - 26 September, 2024 Cairo - EGYPT - $ 4000
P001 Advanced Inventory Planning and Control 29 - 3 October, 2024 Online - $ 1500
P019 إدارة أنشطة المواد و المشتريات والمخازن بإستخدام الأساليب الحديثة 29 - 3 October, 2024 Online - $ 1500
October , 2024
P003 Bid & Tendering Management Leading to Contract 1 - 3 October, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 3000
P022 Managing Materials , Purchasing and Warehouse Activities 1 - 3 October, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 3000
P018 Warehouse Operations and Management 6 - 10 October, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
P006 Effective Supply Chain Management 13 - 17 October, 2024 KualaLumpur - $ 5000
P015 Purchasing and Contracting Management 13 - 17 October, 2024 Online - $ 1500
P012 Procurement Planning and Bid Management 20 - 24 October, 2024 Istanbul - $ 5000
P009 Inventory Planning and Control 27 - 31 October, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
November , 2024
P005 Developing Skills Of Works in Area of Procurement 3 - 7 November, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
P017 Tendering Procedures and Bid Evaluation 3 - 14 November, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 9000
P002 Basic Warehouse Management 10 - 12 November, 2024 London - $ 3000
P008 Inventory Auditing Planning and Management 10 - 14 November, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
P021 Managing Suppliers and Contractors 10 - 12 November, 2024 London - $ 3000
P011 Modern Logistics Supply& Warehouse Management 17 - 21 November, 2024 Lisbon - $ 5000
P014 Project Procurement Management 24 - 28 November, 2024 Barcelona - $ 5000
December , 2024
P001 Advanced Inventory Planning and Control 1 - 5 December, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
P019 إدارة أنشطة المواد و المشتريات والمخازن بإستخدام الأساليب الحديثة 1 - 5 December, 2024 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
P016 Purchasing Techniques, Negotiating & Cost Reduction 8 - 8 December, 2024 Online - $ 1500
P007 Fundamentals Of Purchasing(Techniques, Negotiating & Cost Reduction) 15 - 26 December, 2024 Istanbul - $ 9000
P013 Project Management: Budgeting , Contracting and Tendering 15 - 3 August, 2023 Madrid - $ 5000
P010 Inventory Planning and Stock Control 22 - 26 December, 2024 Barcelona - $ 5000
P004 Contract Management & Tendering Activities 29 - 2 January, 2024 Online - $ 1500
January , 2025
P006 Effective Supply Chain Management 1 - 3 January, 2025 London - $ 3000
P009 Inventory Planning and Control 5 - 9 January, 2025 Online - $ 1500
P003 Bid & Tendering Management Leading to Contract 12 - 23 January, 2025 Online - $ 3000
P022 Managing Materials , Purchasing and Warehouse Activities 12 - 23 January, 2025 Online - $ 3000
P012 Procurement Planning and Bid Management 12 - 16 January, 2025 Online - $ 1500
P015 Purchasing and Contracting Management 19 - 23 January, 2025 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
P011 Modern Logistics Supply& Warehouse Management 26 - 30 January, 2025 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
P018 Warehouse Operations and Management 26 - 30 January, 2025 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
February , 2025
P002 Basic Warehouse Management 2 - 6 February, 2025 Online - $ 1500
P021 Managing Suppliers and Contractors 2 - 6 February, 2025 Online - $ 1500
P014 Project Procurement Management 2 - 13 February, 2025 Dubai – UAE - $ 9000
P017 Tendering Procedures and Bid Evaluation 9 - 13 February, 2025 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
P005 Developing Skills Of Works in Area of Procurement 17 - 19 February, 2025 Roma - $ 3000
P008 Inventory Auditing Planning and Management 23 - 27 February, 2025 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
March , 2025
P004 Contract Management & Tendering Activities 2 - 6 March, 2025 Cairo - EGYPT - $ 4000
P010 Inventory Planning and Stock Control 2 - 13 March, 2025 Dubai – UAE - $ 9000
P007 Fundamentals Of Purchasing(Techniques, Negotiating & Cost Reduction) 9 - 13 March, 2025 Dubai – UAE - $ 5000
P016 Purchasing Techniques, Negotiating & Cost Reduction 23 - 27 March, 2025 Vienna - $ 5000
P001 Advanced Inventory Planning and Control 24 - 26 March, 2025 Basel - $ 3000
P019 إدارة أنشطة المواد و المشتريات والمخازن بإستخدام الأساليب الحديثة 24 - 26 March, 2025 Basel - $ 3000